Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Today is full of mixed feelings. Michael and I spent all day together. It was good to spend time with him, it was bad to get a incapacitating headache just before he left. So now, I'm laying on the couch watching movies. First it was Nell, which was a good. Then the end of Calendar Girls; I now want to see the whole movie. Now, I'm watching Ghost Whisperer, I know, I know, not a movie. I love Ghost Whisper. I've been told it's the same story again and again, but I'm not a person to get bored with the same old thing. I'm so silly, I'm artsy, but love the quiet life. I'm a walking contradiction. It's okay, it's me, and I'd have it no other way. I have the DVR set up to record the Young Elizabeth, but I'll probably watch it while it's playing.
On another note, Michael and I are still trying for a's hard, it feels like it takes forever. After what my ex-husband did to me, I don't know if I can get pregnant, but they recommend waiting at least a year before getting a fertility test. Maybe I'm just not ready, I know things are going to happen how they're meant to, but is that really a reason to stop hoping and stop trying, after all the future is like water, always changing.

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